In Order to Increase Collaboration on the Tridharma of Higher Education, the Sports Science Study Program, FIK UNP, collaborates with the Sports Science Study Program, FIK Unesa

The Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University collaborates with the Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sports Science, Surabaya State University. This activity was carried out during a series of National Working Meetings of the Association of Indonesian Sports Science Study Programs (P2SIKI), on May 15 2024 at Medan State University. The signing of this Collaboration document was carried out by Read more…

UNP FIK Sports Science Study Program Collaborates with UM FIK Sports Science Study Program

The Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University collaborates with the Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sports Science, State University of Malang. This activity was carried out during a series of National Working Meetings of the Association of Indonesian Sports Science Study Programs (P2SIKI), on May 15 2024 at Medan State University. This Collaboration activity was attended by the Chairman Read more…

Strengthening the Tridharma of Higher Education, Sports Science Study Program FIK UNP Collaborates with Sports Science Study Program Fikes Unsika Karawang

In order to strengthen the Tridharma of Higher Education. The Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University collaborates with the Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Singaperbangsa University, Karawang. This activity was carried out during a series of National Working Meetings of the Association of Indonesian Sports Science Study Programs (P2SIKI), on May 15 2024 at Medan State University. Read more…

The Sports Science Study Program Collaborates with the Padang City Youth and Sports Service (Dispora).

The Sports Science Study Program Collaborates with the Padang City Youth and Sports Service (Dispora). This collaboration is a manifestation of the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely Field Work Practices (PKL) or student internships. This activity has been going on for the last few years up to the current year. Dispora is one of the favorite places Read more…

UNP FIK Sports Science Study Program Collaborates with MASWIM Malaysia

Head of the Department of Health and Recreation, Sports Science Study Program, Dr. Ridho Bahtra, S.Si,. M.Pd signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Richmon Ho Yong Chai from Maswim Malaysia. This collaboration was carried out after an MoU existed between Padang State University and Maswim Malaysia. The signing of this collaboration was carried out after the Professional Enhancement Certificate in Swim activity was held Read more…