Medan State University Sports Science Study Program   holds a National Sports Seminar on May 15 2024 in the 3rd Floor Hall of FMIPA UNIMED, Prof. Building. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd. This seminar activity is part of a series of National Working Meetings of the Indonesian Sports Science Study Program Association (P2SIKI) in 2024.

This activity has the theme "Dynamics of Sport Science Development from a Sports and Health Perspective". The background to choosing this theme is related to the increasingly rapid development of sports science and technology in the 21st Century which has also given birth to changes or renewal in various areas of life, including sports and health.

In this seminar activity, one of the lecturers in the sports science study program, namely Prof. Dr. Wilda Wllis, SP,.M.Kes is trusted to be the speaker. Prof. Wilda filled in the material with the title "Nutritional Management for Fitness". In his description, Prof. Wilda revealed that nutritional management is very important in managing fitness, especially among students. Don't let students eat carelessly and get various diseases at a young age.

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