UNP FIK Sports Science Study Program Collaborates with UM FIK Sports Science Study Program
The Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University collaborates with the Sports Science Study Program, Faculty of Sports Science, State University of Malang. This activity was carried out during a series of National Working Meetings of the Association of Indonesian Sports Science Study Programs (P2SIKI), on May 15 2024 at Medan State University.
This collaboration activity was attended by the Chair of each study program. From the Sports Science Study Program, FIK UNP, attended by Dr. Ridho Bahtra, S.S,.M.Pd and from the Sports Science Study Program, FIK UM, attended by Dr. Slamet Raharjo, S.Pd,.M.Or. Apart from that, several lecturers from both study programs were also present, namely Prof. Dr. Wilda Wellis, SP,.M.Kes and Dr. Dr. Rias Gesang Kinanti, M. Kes.
The aim of this collaboration is to improve the implementation of the Tridharma Collaboration in Higher Education, namely education, research and community service in the Sports Science Study Program.