The Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University held a competency test for lecturers at the Faculty of Sports Science. The scheme taken in this competency test is Occupational Trainer. This activity was held on June 12 2024 in the FIK UNP Meeting Room.
On this occasion several lecturers from the Sports Science Study Program took part in this activity. Among those who took part were, Dr. Ridho Bahtra, S.Si,.M.Pd, Ariando Ariston, M.Pd, Dr. Ahmad Chaeroni, M.Pd, Liza, S.Si,.M.Pd, and Ilham, S.Si,.M.Or. Head of the Sports Science Study Program, Dr. Ridho Bahtra, S.Si,.M.Pd said that "The Sports Science Study Program encourages lecturers in the study program to take part in activities aimed at developing themselves and increasing knowledge to support the learning process. "Apart from that, this activity is affiliated with BNSP and LSP Padang State University, so that the certificate obtained can support an increase in the Study Program's Main Performance Index (IKU)."
After this activity, it is hoped that the lecturers involved will be able to develop their knowledge even further. This will help improve the quality of the learning process in the Sports Science Study Program.