Padang, Tuesday 19 September 2023 UNP Chancellor inaugurated 125 Heads of Departments and Study Program Coordinators as well as PAW Heads of the Center for Innovation, Publication and IPR LPPM UNP at the UNP Audioterium.

"We as leaders congratulate you on the trust given. One thing that is expected from ladies and gentlemen who occupy positions is that they can know the conditions of their respective departments and study programs. We all have to work hard to achieve the targets of Padang State University so that we can make UNP a world class university." Said the Chancellor of Unp Prof. Ganefri.

One of the Heads of Department appointed was the Head of the Department of Health and Recreation, Dr. Ridho Bahtra, S.Sc., M.Pd who was appointed to replace Prof. Dr. Muhamad Sazeli Rifki, S.Sc., M.Pd. The entire Health and Recreation Department family wishes Dr. Ridho Bahtra, S.Si., M.Pd. Hopefully we will always be given health and safety in carrying out our mandate and that Kesrek will become more solid and more advanced.

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