Padang, Monday 11 September 2023 The Chancellor of Padang State University (UNP) inaugurated Prof. Dr. Anton Komaini, S.Si, M.Pd as Chair of the UNP Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) for the 2021/2025 period.

Also present at the inauguration were the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Trustees, Chairman and Secretary of the University Academic Senate, Deputy Chancellors I, II and IV, Dean and Deputy Dean, Director and Deputy Director of the Postgraduate School, Head and Secretary of the Institution, Head and Secretary of the Board, Head of the Environmental Bureau, head and Secretary of SPI and Head of UPT, Head of Center, Head of Office.

Then Heads and Secretaries of Departments, Study Program Coordinators, Heads of Sections and Functional Positions of Middle Experts, Heads of Sub-Sections and Functional Positions of Young Experts in the UNP Environment.

All leaders and extended family of the Sports Science Study Program, Department of Health and Recreation, FIK UNP wish you congratulations and success to Prof. Dr. Anton Komaini, S.Si, M.Pd has been appointed as Chairman of LPPM UNP for the 2021/2025 period hoping to be more responsible and carry out his duties well. This is a matter of pride for the Department of Health and Recreation where previously Mr. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sazeli Rifki, S.Si., M.Pd was appointed as Deputy Dean II of FIK UNP.

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