Gojek and Maxim are highly popular online motorcycle taxi services in Padang City. With their apps, you can easily book a ride to Padang State University (UNP) campuses, both in Air Tawar and Lubuk Buaya. Here's a narrative of the journey with Gojek and Maxim to these campuses:

Journey to UNP Air Tawar with Gojek/Maxim

  1. Travel BookingYou open the Gojek or Maxim app on your smartphone and select the "GoRide" or "Ojek" option to book a trip to UNP Air Tawar. You input the pickup address and destination, then wait to be assigned a driver.
  2. Uppon Pickup: The Gojek or Maxim driver arrives at your pickup location. You greet the driver and get into the back of the vehicle with your bag. You and the driver communicate to ensure the correct destination.
  3. During the JourneyThe Gojek or Maxim driver begins the trip towards UNP Air Tawar campus. You feel comfortable in the back, enjoying the scenery along the way. The experienced driver drives safely, adhering to traffic rules and attending to passenger needs.
  4. Upon Arrival at UNP Air Tawar Campus:After a smooth journey, you arrive at UNP Air Tawar campus. The Gojek or Maxim driver drops you off at the campus gate, where you disembark from the vehicle. You thank the driver and proceed with your activities on campus.

Travel to UNP Lubuk Buaya with Gojek/Maxim

  1. Travel BookingYou reopen the Gojek or Maxim app on your smartphone and book a ride to UNP Lubuk Buaya. Just like before, you enter the pickup location and destination address, then wait for a driver.
  2. Uppon PickupThe Gojek or Maxim driver arrives at your pickup location. You get into the vehicle and the driver confirms the destination. You feel at ease knowing the driver is familiar with the route to UNP Lubuk Buaya campus.
  3. During the JourneyThe journey begins and you feel comfortable in the back seat. You observe your surroundings, glimpsing daily life in Padang City through the vehicle window. The driver remains focused on the road and ensures your safe arrival at the destination.
  4. Upon Arrival at UNP Air Tawar Campus:After a short while, you arrive at UNP Lubuk Buaya campus. The Gojek or Maxim driver drops you off at the campus gate, where you disembark from the vehicle. You thank the driver and continue with your activities on campus.


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